GMBP Digital Cowboys

Google My Business Profile (GMBP)
Google My Business Profile is GMBP and can help your business

Local Google Search.

Google My Business Profile (GMBP) is a tool from the number one Internet Search company that allows your local business to be found by your local paying customers.

Companies and businesses across the UK are surviving and growing by using Google My Business Profile (GMBP).

What service do you provide? Type your service into and see if you are there on page one or not.

Try Plumber and see what local Plumbers are in your area.

  • Do you want a Google My Business Profile (GMBP)?
  • Do you already have a GMB Profile and want experts working on it for you?
  • We have three levels of service.
  • You pay us on the 1st of the month, we do the work, you are happy with the results, and you pay us again. We repeat as long as you are happy to pay us.

we bring in more clients for you.

If you are a plumber you want to be at the top of the Goggle Business Listings on page one when someone in your business area types PLUMBER.

GMBP and the Digital Cowboys working for you.

GMBP Done for you

We are living in hard times, there does not seem to be enough hours in the week to get all the real work done. But if you do not keep marketing and getting people to call you busy days turn into empty days.

Google My Business Profile - GMBP - The Digital Cowboys


A well managed and run – Google My Business Profile will have your phone ringing, your email bell tinging and the opportunity to turn leads into clients.

They find you by searching Google for local searches. For a business round the corner.

You do your business, and we will do your GMBP

If you sign us up to manage your Google My Business Profile, we will do so for you. We believe that when we do our work right, we do not cost you money because we are bringing in leads and new business for you.

You will see that, too, and we will be the first business bill you pay each month.


Setup or Fix your GMBP

Run your GMBP for 3 months.

Get your phone ringing for you

Monthly reports

After 3 months you decide to stick or twist

Fixed Fee



Setup or Fix your GMBP

Run your GMBP

Get your phone ringing for you

Monthly reports

You decide at the end of each month to keep using us or not

Monthly Fee paid on the 1st of the month.

£126.00 per month


Setup or Fix your GMBP

Run your GMBP

Get your phone ringing for you

Monthly reports

We will work together to define the range of services and goals you have for bringing in new business.

Monthly Fee to be agreed may include additional costs for Advertising packages.

Our goal will to be a service for you by bringing in more money than you are spending on us.

Save your  time, money & stress

– with GMBP digital cowboys looking out for you.

10 Reasons to Hire a Digital Cowboy

A Digital Cowboy looking after your GMBP.

Your GMBP brought up to high standards.

A dedicated engineer (Cowboy) looking after your GMBP.

As Google changes the rules we take care of you.

We do the work for you at a fixed price.

You can measure how much extra business you are getting from our work for you.

A simple monthly rolling contract you pay on the first of the month. In the end, if you are happy to continue, pay us again.

We want you to be happy with us, give us good revues and you get good revenues.

Let’s Chat

Contact us. We can make a difference by getting you more clients and more revenue.


07718125862 (same for WhatsApp)


It’s always a good idea to text us first. If you put GMBP—your name/business—in the message, we will set you up as a contact and call you back. Chances are the team are busy rounding up leads for clients but as soon as we get a break we will contact you – or email us and we will get back to you that way.

Social Profiles